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It is in the work of these ministry groups that we are able to strengthen congregations, empower leaders, and impact communities. We are grateful for these saints to give of themselves for the work of the Presbytery.
Whether it's a Presbytery ministry group or your local church, how will you respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit?
Presbytery Council
PSL Moderator: Rev. Don Frampton
Council Moderator: Mrs. Loretta Credo
Council Vice Moderator: Rev. Zach Sasser
Finance Committee: Michael O'Keefe
Nominating Committee: Rev. Chan Willis
Committee on Ministry: Ms. Sharon Fortin
Personnel Committee: Rev. Zach Sasser
Preparation for Ministry: Rev. Sarah Chancellor Watson
Presbyterian Women: Mrs. Cathy Dunn
Synod Commissioners: Mr. Chip Chiphe and Rev. David Watson
New Worshiping Communities: Rev. Aaron Gordon
Committee on Representation: CRE Patrice Butler
Disaster Preparedness: Ms. Rebecca Lovingood

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