Daily Fact Sheet 006 – Hurricane Ida
There are three ways to apply for assistance:
Online at DisasterAssistance.gov
Call 1-800-621-3362 or TTY 1-200-462-7585
Download the FEMA App from the Apple or Google Play stores
All applicants for federal disaster assistance have the right to appeal a decision. Your appeal can be filed online or at any disaster recovery center. In order to file an appeal you must bring your determination letter, your written appeal, and any supporting documents requested in your determination letter.
Mold may be a serious health risk so don't wait for a visit from FEMA or your insurance company before you start cleaning up. FEMA inspectors and insurance claims adjustors will still be able to verify flood damage. Take lots of pictures and videos before your insurance adjuster visits.
Be sure to consult with your local officials for instructions before setting out debris. If you don't have local emergency management contact information, it can be found online here.
Crisis Cleanup
To request assistance with clean up from disaster relief agencies, click here or call (844) 965-1386.
Local Resources
For local emergency resources, contact your local Parish OHSEP office.
General Health and Welfare
Louisiana has several agencies that deal with different groups of people who are disabled or have access and functional needs. To learn more, visit the Department of Health and Hospitals online, the Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network online, or call (225) 342-9500.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information for flood preparedness and response.
The Louisiana Directory of Mental Health Services is online here.
For children and youth services, call the State health department at (225) 342-9500 or visit the Children's Special Health Services website.
FEMA offers advice on coping with a disaster - click here.
Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness: (225) 925-7500
Department of Justice, Disaster Fraud Hotline: (866) 720-5721
Federal Emergency Management Agency: (800) 621-FEMA
Small Business Administration: (800) 659-2955
Louisiana State Police: (225) 925-6325 or *LSP from any cell phone
Louisiana Attorney General Hurricane Hotline: 1-800-351-4889
American Red Cross: 1-866-438-4636
State employees should be aware of the following phone numbers to call, which will be updated with information regarding office closures: 1-800-360-9660, or (225) 342-0498.
ENTERGY: 1-800-368-3749, or to report power outages and emergencies call 1-800-968-8243
DEMCO: (225) 261-1160 or 1-800-1160
Emergency Management Centers by Parish
Ascension Parish: (225) 621-8360
Assumption Parish: (985) 369-7386
East Baton Rouge Parish: (225) 389-2199
East Feliciana Parish: (225) 719-1962 or (225) 244-5881
Iberia Parish: (337) 369-4427
Iberville Parish: (225) 687-5140
Jefferson Parish: (504) 349-5360
Lafourche Parish: (985) 537-7603
Livingston Parish: (225) 686-3066
Orleans Parish: (504) 297-2477
Plaquemines Parish: (504) 297-2477
Pointe Coupee Parish: (225) 638-9556
St. Bernard Parish: (504) 278-4268
St. Charles Parish: (985) 783-5050
St. Helena Parish: (225) 222-3544
St. James Parish: (225) 562-2346
St. John the Baptist Parish: (985) 652-2222
St. Martin Parish: (337) 394-2812
St. Mary Parish: (337) 828-4100 ext. 135
St. Tammany Parish: (985) 898-2359
Tangipahoa Parish: (985) 748-3211
Washington Parish: (985) 839-0434
West Baton Rouge Parish: (225) 346-1577
West Feliciana Parish: (225) 784-3136
Ascension Parish Resources
Citizen Service Center for information on the storm: (225) 450-1200
Road Closures: see Ascension Parish social media accounts (Sheriff and/or OEP pages)
Sheriff's Office (non-emergency calls): (225) 621-8300
Gonzales City Hall: (225) 647-2841 - can call city hall to deliver sandbags for elderly or disabled people
East Baton Rouge Parish Resources
Damaged or downed power lines: dial 311
General information: dial 411
Baker Emergency Operations: (800) 953-5933
Baker Police Department (non-emergency calls): (225) 755-6000
Baker residents can text 'LABAKER UPDATES' to 468
Small Business Loans
Federal low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration are available to businesses, homeowners, and renters.
You may call SBA's Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955, email DisasterCustomerService@sba.gov, or visit the SBA Disaster Assistance website for more information.
Individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing may call (800) 877-8339.
Louisiana participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can use their benefits to purchase "hot" or prepared foods through September 28, 2021.
Pre-register for DSNAP now - click here.
PODS in Parishes
Ascension Parish
GOHSEP and the Louisiana National Guard will offer tarps, water, ice, and Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) free to those in need. Available at the following locations:
Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales (begins 9/2 at 12:00 pm)
Lemann Center in Donaldsonville (begins 9/3 at 12:00 pm)
Assumption Parish
Food and water are available Wednesday at Assumption Parish Community Center in Napoleonville (4910 Hwy. 308) starting at 9/2 at 10:00 am
Food and water will also be available at St. Benedict the Moor in Bertandville on 9/3 starting at 9:00 am
Bagged ice is available at Baker High School (3200 Groom Rd.) whiles supplies last
Denham Springs
Free bags of ice are being given out at an Exxon gas station in Denham Springs (2366 S. Range Ave.)
East Baton Rouge
Breakfast will be available at Cajun Cowboy Kitchen on Plank Road starting at 8 am Wednesday
Breakfast (7:30 am - 11 am) and lunch (11 am - 2 pm) will be served Thursday and Friday at Ruby Slipper (335 Perkins Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70808).
Drive-up breakfast will be served Thursday, 8 am - 9 am, at Metro Council District 6 Office (9048 Airline Highway)
Drive-up lunch and dinner served at Paula G Manship YMCA (8100 YMCA Plaza Dr) at 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm, respectively
Drive-up lunch and dinner will be served at Woodlawn Baptist Church (5805 Jones Creek Rd) at 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm, respectively
Jefferson Parish
Mercy Chefs will be serving lunch from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm and dinner from 5–6:30 pm at the Metairie/New Orleans Campus of Celebration Church
Mercy Chefs will be serving lunch and dinner at Church of the King in Kenner
Orleans Parish
Mercy Chefs will be serving lunch and dinner at the Bethany Church on Canal Street in New Orleans
St. Gabriel
Free bags of ice will be given out in St. Gabriel until 9/4 at 5085 Iberville Street
St. James Parish
Sheriff's office supplying MRE PODs at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Gramercy and St. James High starting at 12:00 pm Tuesday
St. John Parish
Mercy Chefs will be serving lunch and dinner at the New Wine Christian Fellowship in LaPlace
Mercy Chefs will be serving lunch at Celebration Church: River Parishes campus in LaPlace
Tangipahoa Parish
Tangipahoa Parish announced 9/1 that free meals would be distributed around 1:30 p.m. at Zemurray Park in Hammond for as long as supplies last
Thibodaux Family Church is giving out free bags of ice until supplies last (785 N. Canal Blvd)